Sunday, June 24, 2012

March 28,2011 Obama informs Illegal immigrant Lobby:There are Laws on thbooks passed by Congress that do not allow suspension of deportation, of ILLEGAL immigrants.

4 months before lection, he violates those Laws(Chicago street fighters' style, to get the Hispanic vote, and suspends deportation of 800.000 illegal aliens).We need a President who respects and upholds our Laws which protect the very fiber of this Country.I Suggest he do that n Kenya,not here, the Country that gave his father more than his homeland Kenya. The American culture of making false promises to trusting Americans, in National,Stae and Municipal elections, is the base of America's recession, fundamentally started by hidden,corrupt use of our tax money on all Government levels.
Our stimulus tax,money, has resulted in Wall street and Banking Industries' $125,000,000,- Obama Campaign contributions.Mitt Romney did not buy that with our Tax money,called stimulus
used to buy other banks with,not loans to the taxpayers ut to buy other banks and millions in C.E.O. bonuses, while American workers have a hard time putting food on the Table.
Do we want more of the same.A President who violates American immigration Laws, as he reminded us exist, cannot be trusted ,to not commit other Law breaking action? Are we all stupid? Hispanics, don't know they are being used fot the elections only/In 2008 no mention was made of their existence!Those who vote for the Nation,American,and its' livelihoods protecting immigration Laws to be broken by a President liable for Americans highest good,deserve 11% unemployed and growing,not counting the one who gave up looking as illegals took many of them with their bought false I.D.s.In Lake Worth Fla.alone, 3000 sold by fake illegal Lawyer Levy Cruz,and fake Lawyer Levy Garcia Crespo who sold millions of dollars of ID documents driving maseratis,Lamborghinis, and his side kick,Cid Bonilla,an illegal alien just deported for this.
With Obama's National Law breaking weapon, executive order they too can be to stay.
A moron sent me an E mail, stating and printing the truth, is ranting.
Read brilliant Chas. Krauthammer's column in today's,Sunadys P.B.Post about the above March 28, 2011 White House statement to lobbyist paid for by illegal aliens with illegally gained American money!

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