Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rubio refuses to undetsand illegal,playing ping pong with America's Sovereignty,remeber his lying?

Every Country has a Government.
This Government is responsible for tits' Citizens who elected them and who pay taxes to them to maintain their Country, not American

Truth challenged Rubio, knows that Mexico has  Government, and has Mexican Citizens, who elected that Government which is responsible for their Citizens and whose Nationality is Mexican.

Obama Administration is helping drug cartels taking over that Country with his weapon sales(Holder  case) and now uses executive privilege to gather 800,000 illegal aliens ,for votes, illegals belonging in their own Country's with their own Govern,ment.Obama is harming summerjobs seeking Ameican students, so they can't find jobs to pay for his Administrations' increase tuition fees, and let illegals destroy the identity of this Country created by hardworking legal immigrants.4.800,000, legal immigrants professionals with legal entry conditions, are waiting to be allowed through U.S.Immigration to legally establish domicile in America. These people have to wait for nearly 20.000.000 illegal aliens to be processed for deportation, who spit on the U.S.A's Sovereignty and just want to take the Country.Obama added another illegal burden(White House no longer respects American Laws)by sanctioning 800,000 illegal aliens, in election time, not 2008 ,the year of this phony promises(cut budget in half,solve immigration problem with a Law etc.etc) Americans who founded this Country and your legal offspring of legally immigrated parents, wake up do not let your vote be replaced by illegals and their subsequently,logically illegal brood,a financial burden to this Country, you, who vote illegally for Obama.

Only 4 months before elections he allows iilegally, 800,000 into the Country to get Hispanics,11%unemployed since he took Office, to vote for him.

I counted on the intelligence of those, to see through this sneaky illegal gesture,disenfranchising 4.5million legal professional immigrants from getting legal entry in this Country he Considers his with as he please!Does he so hate this Country, or are his Paymasters Wall street,Banking Industry paid with 870 billion stimulus ,our tax money,just gave $125,000,000,- Campaign money back,to buy cheap illegal labor, by allowing illegals into this Country illegally. He is the perfect example of ,the fact that not all Lawyer studied to uphold the Law, bu t to find legal loopholes, or how to violate the American Laws.Clinton was impeached for reason not damaging to American students lively hood or our econ my!!Why no impeachment proceedings for this occupant of the White House who violated Federal Immigration U.S.Laws?Who disenfranchised 4.5million legal immigrants,by puttin them at the back of the Immigration processing line???

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