Thursday, June 21, 2012

This Thursday night June 21, 2012, Lake Worth do nothing for the important City asset ,its energy independance securing electric generation plant ,will be offered for sale to 11 big Corporations who swallow all independant generation plant from irresposible ,immoral small Town Cimmissions, who do not want the resposibility of overseeing this Citizens' multi million dollar asset, which means freedpm from robbery rates of open market eletctricty selling big Corporations.

Lake Worth City Commissions have lined up 11 open Market electricity selling big Corporations,
to sell Citizens owned and paid for Electric Gneration plant. This generation in house capacity has in the past brought Lake Worth residnets the lowest electricty rates, till a treacherous Commission signed a harmful Contract with a similar or one FMPA.
We are finally exiting that terminated Contract ,and can return to our using our own electricity,generated by our plant, and return to the lowest rates again.The present Commission does not want tohe resposibility of overseeing this vital independant lelectricty generation, and want to throw it away.This generation plant is encumbered by a $69,000,000,- Debt incorred with approval of a Commission.This was to upgrade our generators and plant, and has brought us a 3well R.O. drinking water plant to be ready for in house elelctricty delivery again.
However this Commission which in campaigns has promised to reduce our Utility rates is goiing to betray the voters by stealing their electric energy generation independance, by selling it to a big Corporation, and make the Citizens work for the ever increasing profits and Dividends of another large Cirporation, so the Commission kicked that resposibility out, at the expense of the voters who were sucker enough to believe all their false promises.
If they dare to deprive the Citizens of their own electric generation capacity, which they replace by doing nothing by distracting with useless suggestions, totallt unable to create one single project
which generates revenue forour General Fund ,which they give away to an out of Town Corporation.Telling their voters, go to hell you suckers, have you no brains, to distinguish false worthless Candidate who never did anything for the City and know nothing to improve its' quality of life!!!and one who has and was good influence with positive constructive actions,not empty talks.

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