Thursday, July 12, 2012

260,000,000 cluster bombs were dropped on Vietnam as former Presidential Candidate Hillary Client discovered in a State visit.American arms manufacturers ,who finance todays' election Campaigns are continuing to make billions off the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,where hudreds of thousands civilians are killed, while contnuing to enrich American arms manufacturers, reason why Obama will not use executive Privilege to end the Afghanistan and Iraq wars,but uses it to destroy American College graduates future jobmarkets.

Former Presidential Candidate defeated by negative anti white sentiments, instead of concerns for the Country's economy,now in recession result of tenure of her opponent,
is introduced to an exhibit of hundreds of thousands of artificial limbs of women ,men and children and introduced to the blind, a results of the unwilling ness of an American President to end another un-winnable war.His arms manufacturers are now billionaires, and need more blood from innocent civilians,creating muslim ennemies for this Country.Their billions bloodmoney help finance America's elections, in this case an attempt to continiue recession and leading it to bankruptcy.They can safely disappear when thta happens. Obama refuses to use executive Privilige to end the blood money producing wars, like the one in Vietnam,only uses his Anti-America mental state to exercise Executive Privilege, to kill the American job market for Americas' young,by suspending our Federal,Congress passed Immigration Laws for deportation of 1.400,000 illegal Aleins, resposibility, of their own Governments, not American working,soon unemployed tax payers. I hope God will let Americans read this truth Art. ,written by a legal Immigrant, from the civilized part ,educated and talented Fashion designer,visible by behaviour, dress,life style,multi language knowledge ,result of a refined cultural upbringing, with the greatest music, theater, pictorual arts knowledge, travel while brining jobs to America.

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