Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Baffling igorance of significance of lake Worth's Citizens valuable asset,the independant electric generation capacity, guranteeing Citizens the lowest rates,if not corrupted by Commissions and Mayors, as in the past.

The bafffling ignorance of Andrew Marra regarding Lake Worth's Utility true value to its' Citizens ,which own it, is not surprising as, we have had many con-artists some for FPL and some for FMPA etc. proposing to steal our Electric Energy producing plant, ,our guarantee for future cheap electricity production, at a price based on the assumed ignorance of Lake Worth Citizens, who would possibly swallow the snake oil of FPL flunkies,sent with the presumption that all Commission members are like him, uninformed about our Electric Generation plant, the envy of all small Town subject to extornate rates of the open market, and the drooling Monopoly seeking big Corporations.Our Electric Bill in 1991 for our 3000 sq.ft home with central air,was $90.- a month, unbeknownst to Marra.Lake Worth electric generation had not been sold out to FMPA(a Co.buying electr.from sucker small towns with irresponsible lazy, Commissions for a low price per Mega Watt and make the victims buy it back for double their purchase price.Marra ignores this fact.,FPL flunky?

Lake Worth electricity generating plant can produce enough energy to support the City at a lower cost than FPL.Unknown to Marra, who was not here when we enjoyed the benefits of our own electricity generation

1 comment:

  1. Do I smell bribe? Kickback?FPL raises its' rates regularly.
    Only a corrupt Lake Worth City Commission would steal this irreplacable asset(replacement value of each one of our generators, between 60 and 80 million dollars).
    And sell it to a Monopoly,a big Corporation, and make Lake Worth Citizens, work for the bigger profits of their Stockholders!
    Only corrupt low live Commission members would do that to a whole City, and crippletheir economy, as there are many conditions to a sale, that the morons are not aware of.
